Direct Mail Marketing: Best Techniques for An Effective Call to Action

A successful call to action

Direct mail marketing is designed to reach a lot of people. That’s only half the battle, though. The other half is getting people to do what you want. Whether your mailing materials end up in the mailbox of a long-time customer or an interested lead, your goal is to get them to take action.That could mean liking your business on Facebook, redeeming an exclusive offer, taking advantage of a sale, or visiting the dealership to take a test drive. A good call to action (CTA) can accomplish this for you. To help you drive your business, create content that will resonate with people, and push them to your landing page, Aspen Automotive explores the best techniques for an effective call to action.


Examples of a successful call to actionA good CTA is simple. You don’t want it to be too vague or wordy. Keep things succinct and get to the point quickly. In terms of wording, you’ll want to make sure you use action verbs, too. Some good examples of this include:

  • “Scan this QR code to take advantage of this limited-time offer!”
  • “Head to this URL to schedule service now!”
  • “For more information and exclusive offers, follow us on Facebook!”
  • “Contact us or visit our dealership to learn more and take a test drive today!”

Not only are all of these direct and urgent, they’re also user-friendly. Having a website, contact information, or a scannable QR code allows the reader to take the desired action immediately. This is something that the team at Aspen Automotive can help you implement as part of your direct mail strategy.

Keeping things simple doesn’t end with your CTA, either. Make sure that whatever landing page you direct the reader to is also user-friendly and up to date.


A good call to action doesn’t beat around the bush. It points directly toward a specific action. Make your call to action as specific as possible, and make sure to use active voice. Tell them where to go, what to do, and show them how they can get there. Don’t be vague and don’t leave anything to chance. Here are just a few phrases you can use to point your audience in the right direction:

  • “Click here to schedule service!”
  • “Scan this QR code to redeem your offer!”
  • “Follow us on Facebook to learn more!”
  • “Contact us to schedule a test drive!”


When you send out a mailer, you’re not hoping for them to act later. You want them to take action now! To do that, write your CTA with a sense of urgency. Let it be known that the contents of this mailer are not a long-term investment. To get what you’re offering, they need to act ASAP. To do that, you can include language such as:

  • “Schedule service right way!”
  • “Take a test drive today!”
  • “Limited-time offer!”

Utilizing personalized URLs (PURLs), QR codes, or self-addressed envelopes can make it even easier for your customers to take action right away.



Another tool for making your call to action more effective is to personalize it. Direct mail’s tangibility already gives it a higher response rate than email, but personalizing it can go a long way. What are you more likely to read and reply to: a letter that says, “Dear Resident,” or one that’s addressed to you?

Customizing your content should be a rule of thumb, but if you can personalize the CTA, then you’ll really drive things home and get the reader to take action. In fact, personalized calls to action can boost your response rate by a whopping 202%.1


Again, before putting words in print, spend some time in the mind of your prospective customers. Understand what really compels them and what’ll move them. What are they searching for? Financial security? Peace of mind? A business they can trust?

Knowing their pain points will take research, but once you understand what motivates them, you can craft your message around that.


You want your audience to take action. That’s a given. The big question is, what’s in it for them? Why should they act now? Why should they do business with you? You can tee this up with the rest of the content, too, but the call to action is where you’ll round things out.


Successful call to action

It’s also great if you can have your CTA stand out. Using bright, contrasting colors or a fun design is a perfect way to draw the reader’s eye right to your call to action.

Consider, too, that where you put your CTA can have a big impact on how effective it is. Putting it above the fold is the best way to make sure that the reader sees it. You likely won’t see the same results if you put it in the sidebar or below the fold.2


A strong call to action can be the difference between a successful campaign and an underperforming one. At Aspen Automotive, we’re well-versed in the best techniques for an effective call to action. We understand the basics and best practices that go into drawing in leads and customers. Contact us to learn more and take action today!