The Benefits to Customizing Your Dealership Promotions

Customizing your direct mail campaign

Adding a personal touch to your dealership promotions is not only a good idea, but it can also affect your future campaigns and your business down the line. Plus, it’s easy! Customizing promotions is a great example of how a few steps can go a long way.

To show you just how important it can be, Aspen Automotive decided to explore the benefits to customizing your dealership promotions. So, let’s look at some of the perks that come with custom mailers.

Learn How Aspen Can Improve Your Promotions


When you go through your mailbox, do you open everything? Do you toss some envelopes in the trash without even looking at them? The difference between your mailer being in the garbage and being tacked to a customer’s refrigerator may come down to whether or not you personalize it.

Seeing, “Dear Resident,” or an address with no name can make your customers think it’s impersonal junk mail. When a letter or a postcard is addressed to someone directly, they’re much more likely to open it.


Customized direct mailOne of the perks of direct mail is that it’s tangible; your customers can hold your offer in their hand. That benefits your business on a psychological level. Customizing your promos builds on that by giving the offer a more authentic feel.

That genuine connection lays the foundation for a longstanding relationship between your business and your customers. It also builds brand loyalty, which can lead to a dedicated customer base and increased business by word of mouth.


On its own, direct mail has a higher response rate than email. However, personalizing your promos and mailers can raise your rate even higher. That’s because of that connection it establishes. An offer that’s personalized for a customer and their current situation shows that they’re not just a number to you. You took the time to take them into account and you care.

That can go a long way toward your bottom line and the public perception of your business. In turn, that increases the odds that they’ll redeem your offer, sign up for your mailing list, or do business with you in the future.


Every campaign should influence the next one. The best way to improve your future campaigns is to see what worked and what didn’t. Customizing your promotions makes this easier for you. Tracking your results is simple when you know who is receiving each offer and what you’re offering them. Then, you can adjust accordingly for your next campaign. You can also monitor what offers you’re sending your loyal customers, follow up with them, and keep in touch.


Creative customized direct mail campaignsCustomizing promotions is more than just addressing customers directly. It’s an opportunity to flex your creative muscles. Every time you send a new mailer out, you can use a different design, try new colors, or throw in a different font.

Plus, while each campaign can be eye-catching in its own unique way, you can also have some fun with the content. Every mailer should have engaging copy that’s specifically tailored to your recipients’ wants and needs. For instance, if it’s a new customer or an interested lead, you can send them a personalized offer. If it’s a long-time customer, get them to enroll in a rewards program.

The team at Aspen Automotive is here to help you design and produce the customized dealership promotional mailers that are sure to get customers in your showroom.

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By now it’s clear that adding a personal touch gives your direct mail marketing campaign some extra muscle. So, how do you go about customizing your promotions? Aspen Automotive is here to help with personalizing all your promos and campaigns.

Not only do we specialize in targeting the right audience, but we also have our own in-house production team, so you can get customized promotions out there quickly. We’ll also help you track data and keep your content fresh. So, let’s get started! Contact us today to get more customized promotions out there!