When considering marketing options for your dealership, direct mail should be in the mix. Direct mail is a tried-and-true marketing method that remains a great option for automotive businesses. This low-cost option maintains a high return on investment and is an easy-to-consume option for many customers.

Epsilon Individual Automotive is here to review some ways that direct mail marketing campaigns can help your automobile business. Let’s get started.

Direct Mail Increases Brand Recognition

Online SearchingThe use of direct mail can help increase brand recognition for your dealership. If you’ve recently opened your dealership or are hoping to promote a sale or service, direct mail can help get that information in front of as many people as possible.

Methods like Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) let you select an entire neighborhood or specific zip codes to reach with your mailers. All of the homes in that area will receive your direct mail campaign. This allows people to get to know your dealership and even take advantage of an offer you might have included.

Your dealership’s name gets out there and may even spread further once your potential customers have a chance to experience your dealership. You’ll become a recognizable name as part of the community.

Direct Mail Works in Tandem with Other Marketing Methods

Direct mail doesn’t have to work alone; it can be combined with digital marketing. Multiple marketing channels allow for a larger audience to see your ads and give them more opportunities to act on them.

Direct mail can also act as a follow-up to an online ad that a potential customer has seen while browsing online. On average, direct mail is easier for potential customers to read and follow. Away from the distractions of the internet, someone has an opportunity to take in what your mailer is saying and may find it more trustworthy if they’ve heard of your business elsewhere before.

Direct Mail Is Highly Targeted

Putting together a direct mailing listThanks to data, direct mail can be highly targeted, allowing your dealership to advertise to those most likely to use your dealership’s services or purchase/lease a car. By using a targeted direct mail list, you can also save time and money because you’re not spending extra postage on those who may not fit your current marketing campaign.

We have a variety of automotive data solutions available that can help target customers based on the following:

  • Income
  • How far along they are in their lease/loan
  • Type of vehicle they drive
  • Family size

For example, if your dealership is interested in selling or leasing more SUVs, you may want to target leads with families who are almost finished with their lease or loan and those who already drive SUVs. All of those people may be more likely to purchase an SUV than someone who is single and driving a sedan.

Learn More About How a Direct Mail Campaign Can Help Your Business

Now that you know a little more about how direct mail campaigns can help your automotive business, are you ready to get started? Dealerships can contact the experts at Epsilon Individual Automotive to discuss their direct mail campaign goals. Our team can help you design and create your direct mail piece from start to finish. Contact us today.