What is bulk mail? Aspen Auto

When crafting your next direct mail campaign, there is much to consider. Who will receive the mailer, and on what day? What are you promoting or selling? How will this campaign factor into your quarterly marketing budget? One great way to get a good return on investment for your direct mail campaign is by utilizing bulk mail.

The marketing experts at Epsilon Individual Automotive are here to help you learn more about bulk mail and how your dealership can benefit from this form of marketing. Let’s get started!

Bulk mailing Aspen AutoWhat is Bulk Mail?

Bulk mail is a term for a large volume of mail sent out at reduced postage rates. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to advertise new promotions, achieve brand recognition, and reach a lot of households at once. Bulk mail can be sent out locally or nationally.

Many dealerships will use bulk mail because of the discounted mailing rates that the United States Postal Service (USPS) offers.


What Type of Discount is Offered with Bulk Mail?

Receiving bulk mail lettersYou want the most out of your direct mail campaign, including spending less and obtaining a higher return on investment (ROI). To help achieve this, you want to spend as little as possible on shipping and mailing charges. Bulk mail can help with that.

Below are the starting costs to mail a single letter with the USPS with bulk mail and without:

  • Single, standard-sized letter: $0.50
  • Single, standard-sized letter with bulk mail: $0.29

When sending marketing mail via bulk mail, you save almost $0.25 a letter, which really adds up when you’re sending several hundred letters. The savings may be greater when considering costs like postcards or flats.

Requirements for Utilizing Bulk Mail

The USPS has several requirements that a direct mail campaign must meet to receive bulk mail discount rates.

Minimum Quantities for Bulk Mail:

  • First-class mail: 500 pieces
  • USPS marketing mail: 200 pieces

If you’re sending out catalogs of your updated inventory or small packages that include freebies for your customers, the weight of your bulk mail may matter more than the number of mail pieces.

Weight Requirements for Bulk Mail:

  • Minimum weight: 50 pounds per order
  • Maximum weight per item: less than 16 ounces

Now that you know more about the quantity and weight requirements needed for bulk mail, you’re almost ready to set up your bulk mail campaign.

How to Set Up Your Bulk Mail Campaign with USPS

To use the bulk mail option that the USPS offers, you must complete the following steps:

Decide How You Want to Pay For Postage

One of the first things that USPS recommends you do when preparing for a bulk mail campaign is to decide how you want to pay for postage. The option that’s best for your automotive business may depend on your staff, budget, and time. There are three ways to pay for postage:

  • Postage Meter
  • Permit Imprint
  • Precanceled Stamps

How to set up bulk mail campaignA postage meter allows you to prepay postage by adding a metered, or PC Postage indicia stamp, on each mail piece. Fill the meter in advance and replenish it as needed.

A permit Imprint allows you to set up an account with the post office. Deposit money into that account, which is deducted when you drop off your mailers.

Precanceled stamps let you use lower rates of postage via stamps and pay the difference when you drop off your mailers. Stamps can add a personal touch to your direct mail piece, which can create additional interest for your potential customer.

Obtain a Permit with USPS

Businesses can obtain a mailing permit through the USPS Business Customer Gateway or by filling out forms at the post office. To complete the permit, you’ll need to bring two forms of ID (passport, driver’s license, corporate ID, etc.) that the Post Office considers acceptable, as well as the completed form.

Once your bulk mail campaign is set up, all that’s left now is to decide the size, shape, and design of your mailer. The experts at Epsilon Individual Automotive can help you make the best direct mail piece for your campaign.

Pay an Annual Fee

Pay the annual fee that is required for the permit when you submit the permit or when you send your first mailing.

Receive the Permit Number for Your Bulk Mail Campaign

USPS will give you a permit number and receipt for the bulk mailing campaign. You will need to get a new permit and receipt for each mailing campaign you complete.

Prepare Your Documents

What counts as bulk mailWhen preparing to send your bulk mail campaign, you’ll need to gather a few documents. You’ll need the signed and stated postage statements, supporting documentation, a payment method for your bulk mailing, and a payment method for your annual mailing fee.

A check, cash, or use of a credit card will cover your bulk mailing costs.

A check is commonly expected for the annual mailing fee.

Sort Your Mail

Pre-sorting your mail can help speed up the process and ensure that your mail will be delivered to the correct address. This also gives you an opportunity to check your mail for the correct postage and endorsements.

Deliver Your Bulk Mail to the Post Office

When you arrive at the post office with your bulk mail, a clerk will review it. It’s their job to make sure you’ve prepared your mail properly and that it meets the criteria/characteristics that you described when applying for the permit. They may open a piece to double-check the contents.

You will pay for your bulk mail at this time. If the clerk detects any potential cost issues with your mailers, you may have some additional charges to cover. Once payment is complete, the USPS will send out your mail!

How to Set Up Your Bulk Mail Campaign

Before you can take advantage of the bulk mail discount rates, you must first perform these actions:

  • Obtain a mailing permit through USPS
  • Pay an annual mailing fee to use bulk mail
  • Presort mail by zip code
  • Deliver the presorted mail to the post office where you obtain your mailing permit

Once your bulk mail campaign is set up, all that’s left now is to decide the size, shape, and design of your mailer.

Get Started with Bulk Mail Today

Are you ready to craft your next direct mail campaign with the aid of bulk mailing options? The team at Epsilon Individual Automotive is happy to help with everything from data solutions to design and production. We can even send your bulk mail to the post office for you after design approval.

To get started, simply give us a call or send us an email today!