When it comes to engaging with potential customers, you want to make sure that your direct mail marketing strategy is hitting all the right marks. By doing so, you’ll delight your current customers and attract prospective clients to your car dealership.
What are the basic rules of an effective direct mail program? How do you ensure that you see profitable results for your business?
Well, the team of experts at Aspen Auto Marketing is here with this guide to the top three dos and don’ts of direct mail marketing with your car dealership. Let’s check them out!
Dealership Direct Mail: The Dos
To begin, let’s take a look at some of the most critical necessities for your direct mail approach. These tips will help your team dig deeper into who your targeted audience is and learn how to successfully drive them to your dealership.
Determine Your Audience
First and foremost, you do want to figure out the demographics of your targeted audience. Depending on the program or promotion you’re offering, the message, images, and other details on your direct mailer can be customized to fit the particular customer you’re hoping to attract.
To define your ideal customer, consider some of these aspects:
- Gender
- Income Level
- Education background
- Occupation
- Family size and more
From there, you’ll be able to tailor the message and other information of your direct mail marketing strategy to connect with your potential customers.
In addition to these demographics, you want to factor your audience’s age ranges into your automotive marketing strategy. Why?
Well, let’s say a significant subset of your customers are over 60 years old. It’s possible that these buyers may not be quite as responsive to digital automotive advertising techniques as some of your younger consumers.
Due to these marketing preferences, direct mail is the perfect way to get in touch with members of your audience who you might not be reaching through your social, email, and online marketing campaigns.
Finalize Your Objective
Without a clear, concise message on your direct mailer, your audience may not understand exactly what it is you’re offering. Instead of cluttering your mailer with tons of information, choose one objective that makes it obvious to your customers what you want them to do.
For example, if you’re sending a coupon code or special offer to the individuals that fit your targeted demographic, include a simple message that encourages your prospects to take advantage of the promotion and how it benefits them. That way, you’re more likely to see return on your investment.
Direct Mail Postcards: A Must-Do for Automotive Marketing
No matter what the goal of your automotive direct mail marketing strategy may be, postcards are a versatile advertising option for a variety of reasons.
First, inactive buyers are the ideal recipients of a friendly postcard that reminds them to return to your dealership. A simple hint in the form of an attention-grabbing pop-up postcard can do wonders for your revenue and marketing response rates.
Second, direct mail postcards serve as the perfect welcome mailer for new customers who may have just completed their first online purchase or who have stopped by your dealership to do some browsing.
Rather than sending an email, you’ll greet your newest buyers with a personalized postcard that helps your dealership start the relationship off on the right foot.
Create Actionable Next Steps
Believe it or not, your customers respond to the commands given to them on the direct mail they receive. Otherwise known as a call to action (CTA), these simple instructions allow your clients to take steps toward participating in your program or visiting your car dealership.
All in all, calls to action are often the central component of your direct mailer that transforms your leads into actual customers. Here are a few basic tips for creating an effective, actionable CTA.
Use Action Verbs
Depending on what your dealership is attempting to promote with your automotive direct mailer, you may use different action verbs to encourage your customers to act.
Some of the verbs you might use to begin your CTA are, “fill out,” “subscribe,” “visit,” or, “download.” At the end of the day, when your consumers have clear instructions on how to opt into your offer, they’re more likely to do just that.
Repeat the Offer
The best part of your dealership’s direct mailer is the offer, which is why it’s important to highlight it in the CTA. By doing so, you’ll remind the customer of the benefits of taking advantage of your promotion.
Something as simple as, “Fill out this form today to take advantage of your $20 discount!” provides your audience with the information they need to do business with your dealership.
Test It Out
Not sure which CTA to use? Create a few variations of the final auto direct mailer and CTA that you plan to send to your audience. Then, distribute two different versions of the same direct mail advertisement to a small subsection of your customers.
Once the recipients have had a chance to look at your message and respond, take some time to review the results. Whichever CTA performed the best is your winner and the one that you should send to the rest of your targeted audience!
The Don’ts of Direct Mail Marketing
Now that you know more about the essentials of direct mail marketing your car dealership, it’s time to cover some of the things your business should avoid when constructing your advertising strategy.
Don’t Neglect Frequency
In any direct mail marketing approach, there’s a fine line between too much and too little content. However, the important thing is to make sure that you’re staying at the forefront of your prospective clients’ minds.
The best way to do that is by establishing a regular schedule of direct mailers and sending them to your customers frequently. Not only will this keep your targeted audience informed about ongoing promotions at your dealership, but they’re also more likely to remember you when it’s time for them to purchase a new car.
Don’t Skimp on Design
Appearances matter, especially when you’re attempting to capture the attention of your audience. That’s why it’s crucial to spend plenty of time designing an eye-catching direct mailer that’s neither too cluttered nor too sparse.
As a result, your customers’ eyes will be drawn to read more about the promotion or program being offered at your car dealership. Check out some of our direct mail best practices:
- Keep it simple
- Pay attention to grammar
- Bold, italicize, and underline
- Infuse it with emotion
Don’t Forget to Send a Mailer to Yourself
Want to know more about what your customer will see once your direct mailer lands in their mailbox? Well, the easiest way to do that is by putting yourself on the mailing list.
By receiving your own mailer, you’ll get a better idea of what your audience will see while sorting through the day’s mail. Then, you can repeat the strategies that were most successful.
Find the Right Direct Mail Marketing Strategy Today!
At Aspen Auto Marketing, we want to help your car dealership thrive by providing you with direct mail marketing options that engage your potential customers and turn those leads into conversions.
Luckily, we’ve designed a huge selection of direct mail approaches that are ideal for advertising your automotive business’s specials and programs.
Ready to get started on a successful direct mail marketing strategy, so that you can drive more business to your showroom? All you have to do is give us a call or email us today!