5 Ways to Get the Best Response from Automotive Direct Mail Letters

Imagine it: Your dealership has spent weeks, days, and hours toiling over the smallest details of your automotive direct mail letter. Now that it’s time to put the finishing touches on your campaign, you want to be sure that you’ve incorporated marketing techniques that’ll afford your team the best response rate possible. 

That’s why the marketing professionals at Epsilon Individual Automotive are here with five ways to get the best response from your direct mail letter. 

With this guide, you’ll know exactly how to boost your dealership’s automotive direct mail response rates and spark connections with new leads who are prepared to get behind the wheel of a new car. Read on below to learn more about creating an impact with current and prospective customers. 

1. Get to the Point

CatalogsWhile automotive direct mail letters typically consist of text rather than images or graphics, you want to ensure your letters get to the point as quickly as possible. The average customer only reads a few lines of the copy included in a letter-style advertisement, so you want to put the most important information at the top of your mailer. 

People like honesty in advertising. By not beating around the bush with the content in your direct mailer, buyers can feel relieved that they don’t have to second-guess any aspect of your product or promotion, which, in turn, can lead to researching your dealership. 

Advertising is all about time. Hook your buyer with an offer in the first few lines of your direct mail letter, and you’ll increase the chances of them reading the entirety of your advertisement and taking the action you want. All in all, that results in a better response for your direct mail campaign. 

If you need help condensing the language in your direct mailer, fill out our contact form to get one step closer to a more impactful direct mailer campaign. 

2. Make It Personal

Long gone are the days of formal direct mail letters that don’t speak directly to specific subsets of your consumer base. Today, automotive marketers have a goldmine of data at their fingertips, which provides you with new ways to personalize your advertisements to fit the needs of customers within different demographics. 

Once you’ve filtered your entire customer base into smaller groups based on habits, age, household income, and more, all you have to do is adjust the details contained within each direct mail letter to align with the lifestyles of each audience. 

In addition to building a data-driven automotive marketing strategy, you should write the advertisement’s copy in a way that’s friendly, yet informative. That way, the recipients of your letter will already feel like they know your staff, which only improves the likelihood that they’ll respond to your team. 

It’s important to build trust early on. Doing so sets the stage for return on investment (ROI), allowing dealerships to tailor their approach for future campaigns. Epsilon Individual Automotive wants to help you create an interactive marketing experience, which is why we assist in crafting personable direct mailers. 

3. Capture Your Brand

Mail Catelogs

While you’re wielding that friendly yet informative voice in your automotive direct mail letter, you also want to capture the spirit of your brand rather than just listing off the impressive features of the product(s) you’re offering. 

Of course, you want to speak to your audience as though they’re a friend, however, you also want to keep the copy compelling. Begin by visualizing what your dealership’s brand represents. Then, infuse your offer with words that match your mission while still positioning your offer as the solution to your consumers’ needs. 

Capturing and maintaining your brand is essential to securing a successful direct mail letter campaign. There are many ways to add creativity to the mix, like using personalized URLs (PURLs) to further appeal to readers. For instance, using a QR code in your mailer allows consumers to learn more about a dealership online, which can create trust to continue with a possible transaction. 

Ultimately, you want your direct mail letter to be powerful enough to urge its recipients to respond. After you strike this balance, all that’s left for you to do is watch as those response rates rise. Rely on our direct mail experts to help capture your brand’s unique identity. 

4. Maximize White Space

For the most part, customers are more likely to read a letter that’s pleasing to the eye and free of clutter than one that doesn’t contain enough white space for the eye to rest. 

That’s why it’s important to structure your dealership’s automotive direct mail letter with short paragraphs, indented or bulleted lists, and short sentences. Not only does this make your letter easier for most people to read, but it also gives your advertisement a visual appeal that speaks to your brand. 

Thanks to the readability that this technique adds, more recipients will digest the contents of your direct mail letter, which only boosts the potential for a solid response to your campaign. 

When you work with Epsilon Individual Automotive, you can upgrade your next campaign with our wide-ranging services. For instance, our in-house production team uses expert marketing and design knowledge to craft a direct mail letter with lucrative and important information to grab your customer’s attention. 

We work efficiently to streamline the design and delivery service. In fact, we’ll ensure your direct mail letters get to your recipients in as little as 72 hours. If you’re interested, we invite you to learn more about our in-house production studio. 

5. Create a Clear Call to Action

Looking to improve the response rate to your dealership’s next direct mail letter? If so, a clear call to action is a must. In short, calls to action provide your targeted audience with the actions they should take if they want to engage with your offer. 

Why is this so important? Without a call to action, your dealership could lose out on the leads who want to engage with your dealership but don’t know what steps to take to do so. This is particularly helpful for dealerships offering perks with special promotions, such as a gift card after completing a test drive. If your direct mailer lacks a clear call to action, passengers may be less likely to visit the dealership to claim the offer for themselves. 

A clear call to action lowers the possibility of a customer losing interest in doing business with your dealership. Luckily, crafting a straightforward call to action is a surefire way to allow interested parties to communicate with your team. The result? Better response to your automotive direct mailer. 

Our expert team works with dealerships to provide a clear-cut call to action through our many services. Let us help you craft a direct mail letter that won’t go unnoticed. 

Get the Best Responses from Automotive Direct Mail Letters Today 

At Epsilon Individual Automotive, nothing thrills us more than crafting attention-grabbing automotive direct mail letters that are fortified with all the necessary tactics to maximize your customer response rates. 

For nearly four decades, we’ve helped over 10,000 individual dealers find their groove. Your business deserves growth—and we want to be the ones to help reach your potential. If you’re ready to partner with an automotive advertising agency committed to your success, let’s get the ball rolling together. 

Simply give us a call, send us an email, or fill out our contact form to get started. We’re here for everything you need, from design to delivery.