When it comes to building business for your dealership, you want to choose a marketing program that’s as cost effective as it is compelling. By doing so, you can increase your return on investment and increase revenue for your automotive business as a whole.
So, if you’re wondering which option is best for marketing your company, consider adding a direct mail campaign to your advertising approach.
To help you learn more about the benefits of this effective marketing strategy, Aspen Auto Marketing is here to give you a rundown on why the cost of direct mail is practical for auto dealers. Let’s take a look at why direct mail is a perfect option for driving business to your dealership.
1.)Increased ROI
Despite the endless use of smartphones, tablets, and other devices these days, most people still check their mail. As opposed to email, which can easily be filtered into your audience’s spam folders, direct mail reaches the individuals who sort through their daily mail, roughly 77 percent of people.
What does that mean for you? Well, because your prospective customers pay more attention to their physical mail, an attention-grabbing piece of direct mail is a better way to encourage them to opt into your promotion, participate in your program, or visit your dealership.
Plus, digital marketing campaigns require the extra cost of online advertising space, whereas, with a direct mail strategy, you don’t have to pay for your promotion to live on the Internet.
As a result of direct mail’s improved customer engagement and fewer costs, you’ll bring in more revenue to your auto dealer.
2.)More Information for Your Customers
Think about it: when you see a banner ad on the Internet, you probably notice a short slogan, a few words, and in some cases, just a photo.
Well, direct mail marketing provides you with the ability to convey more information about your business to your targeted demographic without the added cost of online advertising space.
Thanks to the ability to add details to your direct mailer, your customers can learn more about your dealership and the specific program you’re offering. Because of that, your audience will feel more informed and is more likely to opt into your promotion.
In addition, direct mailers allow you to deliver physical coupon codes to your potential clients and current customers that they can save for the next time they visit your showroom.
In summation, the increased success rate of direct mail promotions results in a profitable return on investment as compared to other advertising strategies.
3.)Improved Measurability
At the end of the day, you want to ensure that the marketing strategies used by your automotive business are reaping beneficial results. Luckily, direct mail is highly measurable, which helps you determine what tactics were successful and what to work on for your next campaign.
By including a coupon code and expiration date onto your direct mailer, you’ll have a better sense of which members of your targeted demographic participated and the amount of revenue you stand to gain from your strategy.
All in all, the cost of direct mail in comparison to alternative advertising techniques provides you with more insight into the profitability of your program.
Find the Direct Mail Option for Your Auto Dealer Today!
A successful advertising campaign needs to be the perfect balance of customizeability and cost-effectiveness. With the expertise of the direct mail marketing specialists at Aspen Auto Marketing, your dealership will see a good return on investment and drive more traffic to your business.
Ready to discover more about the direct mail marketing options available to you? Simply give us a call or email our team today!