Direct Mail vs Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has grown exponentially over the last few decades, but direct mail marketing has been around for over a century. Both strategies are effective, but which one is right for you and your business? To help you learn more about the two and how they can benefit you, Epsilon Individual Automotive put together this direct mail vs digital marketing blog.

Differences Between Digital Marketing and Direct Mail

Social Media PostingDigital marketing encompasses any and all online channels. If you’ve ever received a promotional email, noticed a targeted ad, or seen social media posts that relate to your search history, you’re familiar with digital marketing. Basically, it’s all the ways businesses can engage with their audience online.

Direct mail marketing is a little more straightforward and self-explanatory. Whether you receive a postcard, newsletter, or catalog, if it shows up in your mailbox, it’s direct mail marketing. While it may sound a bit old school, direct mail is still as effective as ever, thanks to its ability to reach a wide audience.

Pros & Cons of Digital & Direct Mail

Between smartphones, social media, tablets, and other devices, digital marketing is not just a valuable tool in today’s market; it’s a necessity. The widespread access to the internet allows consumers to browse for anything, anytime, from anywhere. As far as the auto industry goes, your audience could schedule service, request a test drive, or even buy a car online.

However, there are some drawbacks to digital media, such as getting lost in the shuffle. It’s unfortunately very easy to overlook a promotional email or scroll right past a Facebook ad without even noticing it.

On the other hand, direct mail is much more noticeable. Unlike emails, you only get a few pieces of mail per day. You also can’t ignore it since you physically hold it in your hand. Instead of ending up in the spam folder, your offer has a better chance of being opened, read, and redeemed.

Combining Direct Mail and Digital Marketing

QR CodeThe most effective campaigns don’t choose just one approach. When it comes to direct mail vs digital marketing, the answer is not either/or. The best campaigns blend both digital and direct mail to ensure that the entire target audience is reached.

At Epsilon Individual Automotive, our team advocates for a balanced collaboration that utilizes the strength of both kinds of marketing. For example, a well-designed mailer may include a QR code that can take the recipient straight to whatever landing page you want.

By adding these interactive tools, your campaign can bridge the gap between physical and digital marketing. It also lets the audience choose how engaged they’d like to be and makes it easy for them to redeem an offer, join an email list, or follow your business on social media.

Create an All-Encompassing Campaign with Epsilon Individual Automotive

With thousands of satisfied automotive clients and years of experience under our belt, Epsilon Individual Automotive is uniquely qualified to help your business integrate your digital marketing with direct mail. Between our cutting-edge data solutions and in-house production facility, we’re ready to help you design every element of your next campaign.

Contact us to learn more or schedule a consultation today