How to Make Your Direct Mail Interactive

Whether you’re promoting a new vehicle, a holiday sale, or reminding a customer that they need to get their car inspected, direct mail is an excellent way to reach your audience. However, a good mailer, and more importantly, a well-thought-out direct mail marketing campaign, is more than just a few interesting pieces of paper.

From simple postcards to intricate mailers, your goal is to get the recipient to engage with your business. The best way to do that is by making your mailer as interactive as possible. With decades of experience under our belt, and thousands of satisfied automotive clients, Epsilon Individual Automotive knows a thing or two about interactive marketing. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can make your direct mail more interactive.

Making Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign More Interactive

On its own, mail might just look like promotional materials. After all, how can a postcard be interactive anyway? Easy. Adding just a few simple, yet high-tech marketing tools to your mailers gives you a great opportunity to invite the recipient to engage with your business. Some of the most commonly used interactive marketing tools include:

QR Codes

opening mailQR or quick response codes are everywhere these days. If you’ve been to any bar or restaurant since 2020, you’re likely familiar with them. All your audience has to do is point their smartphone camera at the code and they can be on your landing page in no time. Plus, since smartphones are so widely used, this allows you to instantly direct practically everyone on your mailing list to pages like your inventory, vehicle specials, parts specials, schedule service forms, and more.


Personalized URLs (PURLs) are another way to direct readers to your inventory or exclusive offers. They can be included in your mailers just as easily as a QR code and can be just as versatile. Additionally, since they are by nature personal, it gives the mailer an added touch and gives the offer more of a sense of exclusivity.

Engaging Copy

Speaking of putting a personal touch on your mailers, personalizing the copy is a proven way to connect with the reader. This is an especially good approach if you’re reaching out to return customers who’ve worked with your business for a long time.

Finally, to get your audience to interact with you, your mailers must include a strong CTA. Whether they have a QR code, a PURL, or an earnest message to the reader, the copy has to encourage the recipient to take action and engage with your business.

Interactive Direct Mail vs Digital Marketing

Letters & EnvelopesWhile it’s easy to make mail more interactive, you may still be wondering why it’s necessary. Isn’t that what email is for? In theory, yes, but direct mail still holds a few advantages over its digital counterpart.

For starters, mail is tangible. You can see, smell, and feel its texture. Even if none of those elements are unique to your mailer, it still stands out because most people only get a few pieces of mail a day. This increases the chances that people will actually open your mail and hold onto it if it’s an interesting offer.

On the other hand, many people suffer from email fatigue. If someone receives emails all day at work, and their personal inbox is flooded with promotional offers, there’s a good chance they’ll miss your email or just delete it quickly without a second thought.

Add Interactive Tools to Your Mailers With Epsilon Individual Automotive

Epsilon Individual Automotive has both the tools and expertise to make your direct mail more interactive. Our team has helped thousands of automotive dealers create more interactive and engaging mailers. With our industry expertise and one of the largest in-house printing facilities in the country, we’re excited to collaborate with you on your next campaign. Contact us for a consultation today.