Running a successful business means pulling out all the stops to ensure that you’re reaching the right consumers at the right time. Well, these days building an effective automotive marketing strategy requires the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies that put your customers first and help them engage with your company.
That’s why the professionals at Aspen Automotive have designed a collection of customizable marketing technologies that deliver the accurate data and leads needed to help your business thrive. Let’s take a look at how our marketing technology provides better ROI for each of our clients.
1.) They’re Personalized
Think about it: When your customers receive a piece of automotive mail that includes a personal message or information that pertains to their specific needs, they’re more likely to not only pay attention to the message but also engage with your business.
Luckily, our auto marketing technologies offer a customized approach to marketing that puts your company at the forefront of your audience’s minds by supplying them with helpful tools.
For example, we offer resources like PURLs (personalized URLs), which entice your consumers to visit a landing page of information—like special offers, customized service histories, past purchases, and more.
These URLs typically feature your customer’s name right in the web address to encourage each individual to interact by visiting the site. By getting your audience to take action, you’ve already caught their attention, which increases the likelihood that they’ll participate in your programs or visit your business.
The Result: Why do PURLs and other personalized automotive marketing technologies provide you with better ROI? Due to the fact that this type of content delights consumers, your company stands to increase conversions and establish a solid customer base, both of which result in better return-on-investment for your next marketing campaign.
2.) They’re Data Driven
When it comes to creating a lead-generating marketing campaign, accurate data is a must. Why is this the case? Well, modern marketing technologies, such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Technology, take personalization to a whole new level by presenting your company with a platform from which you can gather data about your clients.
Thanks to the advancements made in IVR, you’ll supply car buyers with a more intuitive platform that helps your customers answer questions and gather information while also arming your team with valuable data that’ll help you determine which products or programs are best for their needs.
The Result: To put that into perspective, a recent McKinsey & Company study revealed that utilizing data-driven marketing techniques can improve your marketing ROI by 15 to 20 percent and beyond.1
Not only does data offer a window into the lives and habits of your targeted audience, but it also helps your professional determine more about what techniques to use in the future, thereby boosting your ROI.
3.) They’re Trackable
Now that you know more about the importance of personalization and data-driven marketing, it’s time to consider how our auto marketing technologies provide you with a better ROI by assisting you in tracking your campaign’s performance.
By including a coupon code or web link on your direct mailer or other form of advertising, you and your team can effortlessly track the success of your technique by comparing the number of activated coupon codes or clicks to the total number of recipients.
The Result: With the results you compile from this data, you can more effectively assess the outcome of your campaign. At the end of the day, the time you take to measure your strategy’s success rate will ultimately allow you to make improvements, which will secure your business with a solid ROI.
Learn More About Our Automotive Marketing Technologies Today!
At Aspen Automotive, there’s nothing more important to us than ensuring that your business thrives. By choosing our result-driven, cutting-edge automotive marketing technologies, you’ll equip your company with a solid ROI.
To find out more about which of our marketing technologies are best for your business’s needs, give us a call or send us an email today!